Rolling, then tipping the Interlux Perfection, ending up with a high gloss finish that looks professional |
The sun is shining at last, and the first coat of Interlux Perfection's Rochelle Red - that's the name of the colour, honest - is now brightly shining on the hull of the boat. For comparison's sake, here's a photo showing the primer coat, the new coat and you can see the boot stripe from the previous post along the bottom.
Raining cats and dogs here... |
Stay tuned for more details, plus video showing the roll and tip technique - my arms and shoulders are too sore to type more this evening and it's another long day ahead tomorrow - light sand the first coat, and roll and tip on a second coat.
We're close to being done with this job now....it's taken much longer than expected due to the wet weather we've had...not to mention the earthquake, hurricane, raining cats and dogs....ok, just kidding about the raining cats and dogs,
but it wouldn't surprise me, the way this project has been going!
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For anyone that may have trouble S@@ing it...This Boat is " RED "...Very Red.